The Tembusu (Fagraea fragrans) is a large evergreen tree in the family Gentianaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia. Its trunk is dark brown, with deeply fissured bark, looking somewhat like a bittergourd. It grows in an irregular shape from 10 to 25m high. Its leaves are light green and oval in shape. Its yellowish flowers have a distinct fragrance and the fruits of the tree are bitter tasting red berries, which are eaten by birds and fruit bats. Source: Tembusu, Wikipedia

Pastoral Care

The Tembusu Residential Team strives to provide support and service to the College and residents in creating an environment that is conducive for living and learning. Our responsibilities range from administrative duties to supporting residents with different needs.

Do seek help if you:

  • Ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe within the college premises 
  • Are overwhelmed or feel helpless 
  • Are thinking about or considering self-harm or suicide 
  • Are encountering any sort of physical, verbal or emotional abuse 
  • Are being or have been harassed, sexually or otherwise 
  • Are experiencing any noticeable or worrisome changes in your mood
  • Are dealing with high levels of stress of anxiety 
  • Require any sort of special assistance, LOA or need any administrative assistance to accommodate to your unique circumstances 

Who can you approach?

You can approach any Residential Fellow (RF) / Residential Assistant (RA) / Graduate Fellow (GF) or other faculty member of Tembusu College for help.  You can also walk in at the University Counselling Services, or schedule an appointment  – this can be done via email or phone call. If you require emotional support to schedule or attend a UCS appointment, please approach an RA you feel comfortable with. 

In the time of crisis:

In moments of crisis, where you feel that you might pose a risk to yourself or to others, please call the NUS Lifeline (6516 7777) immediately.

Alternatively, call emergency ambulance services (995) if you require immediate medical attention. 

Emergency Contacts

  1. Utown Campus Security 6601 2004
  2. NUS Campus Security 6874 1616
  3. Police 999
  4. Emergency Ambulance 995
  5. University Health Centre 6776 1631
  6. NUS Lifeline 6156 7777

Sexual Assault

What’s sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is defined as offensive, unwanted and/or unwelcomed behavior of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can consist of repeated or isolated acts that cause the victim(s) to feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe. It can be verbal, visual and/or physical.

We strive to construct a safe, conducive and inclusive space for learning. The college takes a strong stance against sexual harassment. 
We will not hesitate to take any disciplinary actions if necessary. This may include suspension or expulsion from the college.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct of any kind, you can reach out to the NUS Care Unit (NCU) for support. You can contact NCU at 6601 4000 (24-hour helpline) /

What if you are a victim?

  • Please do not feel ashamed. You are not to blame. 
  • Whether or not you choose to report it, please talk to an RA or friend for emotional support. 
  • The college does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment to any extent. We are here to support you all the way.

What can you do as a victim’s supporter? 

  • Show empathy
  • Avoid “victim blaming”
  • Be a listener
  • Do not be judgemental 
  • Provide information/options, but not advice
  • Ensure the physical safety of the victim and distance from the perpetrator 
  • Be sensitive to the victim’s feelings
  • Maintain confidentiality and respect the victim’s privacy 
  • Stay with the victim to support them during the investigation process
  • Gently encourage the victim to report to a member of the residential team immediately 
  • Do not pressure the victim to report the case if they do not seem inclined

Who can you contact?

  1. Duty RA
  2. For security and Campus issues, please contact them at 6601 2004 (24 hr helpline) or email them at