Tembusu College Master’s Tea
His Excellency Alfredo Toro Hardy
3pm, Wednesday
20th January 2016
Master’s Common Lounge,
Level 3, Residential Block
Refreshments will be served.
Please be seated by 2.50pm.
Please sign up at dev-tembusu-nus.pantheonsite.io
His Excellency Alfredo Toro Hardy is Venezuelan Ambassador to Singapore since 2009. Previously, he was Ambassador to the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Ireland and Chile as well as former Director of the Diplomatic Academy of the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ambassador Toro Hardy has been a Member of the Advising Committee of the Diplomatic Academy of London, a Fulbright Scholar, a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Resident Scholar, and a Visiting Professor at the universities of Princeton and Brasilia and on-line Professor at the University of Barcelona. He was Director of the Centre for North American Studies and Coordinator of the Institute of Higher Latin American Studies at the Simon Bolívar University in Caracas. He was elected by the University of Cambridge Council of Faculties as “Simon Bolívar Chair Professor” for the period 2006-2007, but had to decline due to his diplomatic career. This prestigious Chair on Latin American Studies is given on a yearly basis to leading Latin American figures and has included, among others, Literature Nobel Laureates Octavio Paz and Mario Vargas Llosa, former President of Brazil Fernando Henrique Cardoso and novelist Carlos Fuentes.
Ambassador Toro Hardy has authored or co-authored thirty books on international affairs, with his latest published by World Scientific under its Series on Contemporary China. Two of his works received awards at the ExpoAmerica Book fairs celebrated in Chicago and Los Angeles in 2003 and 2009, respectively.
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