The Tembusu (Fagraea fragrans) is a large evergreen tree in the family Gentianaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia. Its trunk is dark brown, with deeply fissured bark, looking somewhat like a bittergourd. It grows in an irregular shape from 10 to 25m high. Its leaves are light green and oval in shape. Its yellowish flowers have a distinct fragrance and the fruits of the tree are bitter tasting red berries, which are eaten by birds and fruit bats. Source: Tembusu, Wikipedia

Tembusu Ambassadors are recruiting!

Tembusu College is seeking dedicated and enthusiastic students to serve as Tembusu Ambassadors! Submit your application form by 5 September 2018 (Wednesday), 12:00PM.

Your Ticket to the World!

Are you proud to be a part of Tembusu College? Tell it to the world! As Tembusu Ambassadors, we promote and showcase our Home of Possibilities to prospective students during outreach events, such as NUS Open Day or college admissions interviews.

On special occasions, Tembusu Ambassadors also suit up to host external guests such as local and foreign Ambassadors and diplomats or delegates from foreign universities when they visit Tembusu College or UTown. It is a great opportunity to groom your leadership skills and communication abilities.

What do Tembusu Ambassadors do?

  • Promote residential college education to prospective students at various High Schools, Junior Colleges and Polytechnics
  • Welcome visitors and distinguished guests
  • Conduct campus tours around Tembusu College
  • Assist in managing college events (e.g. Tembusu Forums and tour management for Open Day)
  • Be involved in a working group within the team (AY17/18: Alumni, Instagram, Tembusu Tuesdays and Open Day)*

*Working groups are reviewed and formed during our annual retreat so they are subjected to changes

Who is an ideal candidate?

We are looking for responsible, personable and committed Tembusu College students (Freshmen, Seniors, One-year Exchange Students) who are team players and are excited to share their love for the college to prospective students and external guests!

“I was attracted to the role of a Tembusu Ambassador as I treasured the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds whether it was the occasional foreign dignitary that came to visit or the fresh-eyed prospective student. What I most enjoyed about being an Ambassador was representing the college at various outreach events. While sharing about Tembusu, I also had the chance to challenge these students to think more deeply about their university education and in my own way inspire them to see their experience as more than just their academics I saw it as an opportunity to help them imagine how Tembusu could be a home of possibilities for them as well, and that made the experience very meaningful for me.”

— Dawn Tan graduated with a B.Soc.Sci in Psychology and Social Work. She is currently an Associate Librarian with the National Library Board. 

“The privilege of serving as a Tembusu Ambassador was one of the most formative experiences during my stay in Tembusu College. There were many skills acquired and lessons learnt – sometimes difficult ones, that helped me develop into a more confident and perceptive individual. Complementing personal growth was the opportunity to work with my peers whom shared the same passion to serve, and now have become timeless friends. This experience also prompted me to serve the college with greater capacity, having also been a Residential Assistant in my final undergraduate semester. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi”

Liew Yuqi graduated with Honours in Architecture. He will be pursuing an Architect MArch at UCL.

“I joined the Tembusu Ambassadors because I was interested in serving the College by developing its external image and reputation. I was also keen on engaging with foreign dignitaries on behalf of the College. Here, I learnt important networking skills, as well as how to lead others. The flat structure of the Ambassadors developed our ability to lead each other through respect and service, rather than out of one’s formal position. The main highlight and takeaway is definitely the camaraderie that came out from serving, and organizing events together. Although our tenure lasts a couple years, the friendships forged are timeless.”

David Wong graduated with a M.SC in Global Governance and Diplomacy. He is currently a Lead at Infrastructure Asia.

“Joining the Tembusu Ambassadors offers you a unique platform and opportunity to serve and give back to the College we all love, as custodians and curators of the Tembusu brand externally. We bring the first impressions of our “Home of Possibilities” into the hearts and minds of prospective students and parents – in other words, in many ways we set the ball rolling for future cohorts of Tembusians – as well as prominent guests at events like the Inaugural and Annual Dinners and Tembusu Forums. A heavy responsibility, yes, but also an immensely exciting one. Along the way, you will find yourself honing your creativity, communication and teamwork, skillsets that will hold you in good stead for life’s subsequent challenges. The diversity within the team, and our own College experiences, only adds to our lustre, and perhaps you too, like me, will find yourself forming the most fulfilling and enduring friendships of your University days among your fellow Ambassadors. Go ahead, give it a shot – for those up to the task, being a Tembusu Ambassador will only make your time at the College all the more richly memorable and rewarding.”

Vinod Ashvin Ravi graduated with Honours in Political Science. He has served in the the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2015.

“The only thing better than giving back to a place you can now call home, is doing so with a group of capable and equally passionate individuals. Joining the Tembusu Ambassadors has given me the opportunity to advocate for, serve and lead the College through many ways. I have planned, executed and headed projects such as the Open Day Videos and Instagram Team, while also having the privilege to welcome guests of different profiles to our College. To me, the Ambassadors is a professional family to grow up with and fall back on.”

Heather Lee graduated with Honours in Business Administration. She is an Associate Consultant at Capgemini.

“I joined the Tembusu Ambassadors because I believed in contributing by developing the college’s external image, and improve on my communication, organizational and leadership skills, which continue to serve me well in my final year in University. I was able to sharpen my communication skills by sharing about Tembusu College to prospective students at outreaches, develop my organizational skills by supporting the Open Day team and hone my leadership skills by organizing a 2-day training retreat for the Tembusu Ambassadors’ family. Many of these opportunities often challenged me beyond my comfort zone – but that’s where I am grateful for a family of like-minded, deeply passionate peers whom I found valuable mentorship, support and guidance. Many of these peers are now timeless friends.”

Joshua Eu is currently in his final year of undergraduate study, pursuing a degree in Business Administration.

How to apply:

  1. Download and fill in the Tembusu Ambassadors Application Form.
  2. Drop off the form at the Tembusu College Office reception between 24 August and 5 September 2018, 12:00PM.
  3. Shortlisted candidates will be informed of their interview slots by 7 September 2018.
  4. Interviews will be conducted from 10 – 14 September 2018 (inclusive). Please come for your interview in business attire.

Period of Appointment: One Academic Year (subject to review after first semester of service)

Do come for our information session on 28 August 2018, 8:00PM at the Reading Room. We’d love to tell you more about our experiences and the application process! Please indicate your interest in attending here.

For any inquiries, feel free to drop an email to: