The Tembusu (Fagraea fragrans) is a large evergreen tree in the family Gentianaceae. It is native to Southeast Asia. Its trunk is dark brown, with deeply fissured bark, looking somewhat like a bittergourd. It grows in an irregular shape from 10 to 25m high. Its leaves are light green and oval in shape. Its yellowish flowers have a distinct fragrance and the fruits of the tree are bitter tasting red berries, which are eaten by birds and fruit bats. Source: Tembusu, Wikipedia
Senior Learning Experience 2

Senior Learning Experience

  1. Students selected to stay in the College for a third year and fourth year continue to explore their potential— primarily through the Tembusu Senior Learning Program (TSLE).

    In the spirit of being part of The Home of Possibilities, selected students are encouraged to make the most of their extended stays at the College through this programme. It is designed as a learning platform through which students can:

    • develop themselves in specific ways;
    • construct and commit to a personal programme of learning
    • pursue interests and contribute to the College;
    • be mentored and mentor others.

    The following options are currently available as part of the TSLE for Third Year students:

    1. One-on-one personal tailored coaching with a trained coach to work on specific issues of personal concern;
    2. A personal, self-directed programme of learning through attendance at College Out-of-Classroom Teaching (OCT) events such as Forums, Teas and/or workshops on career-relevant skills (e.g. on journalistic writing);
    3. An academic project under the supervision of a Fellow such as through the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme (UROP) or Independent Study Module (ISM);
    4. A community-oriented project in the College with a specific aim, scope, membership and impact.

    In addition to these options, one-on-one personal mentoring by a Fellow, either on an area of their choosing or in the context of a module is available for Fourth Year students selected for the TSLE.

“The personal mentoring has been useful and is ongoing. The journalism SLE was especially interesting and insightful. I enjoyed the journalism SLE because it taught me how to write concisely in a short period of time. The journalist was also open to questions and guiding us through our work. That it was such a small group was also very helpful.”

— Muhammad Khairin Bin Ilias, Fourth Year, Class of 2016, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Political Science

Mentored by Dr. Kelvin Pang and attended a newswriting workshop

“The module-specific mentoring was very meaningful and insightful. I felt that I was trusted with a major component of the lesson and given the creative freedom to explore different methods of delivering the content. This was really helpful in allowing me to understand the thought process and planning that goes behind a lesson delivery. The execution of the lesson and taking into account the class dynamics was also a new experience for me. This was useful in understanding the “soft” aspect of managing classroom learning and delivery.”

— Sai Surya Yarlagaddaf, Fourth Year, Class of 2016, Economics and Mechanical Engineering (Double Degree)

Mentored by Dr. Connor Graham

“One of the goals that I brought up to my coach was my wish to connect with people on more meaningful levels, as I realised it was something I craved and have neglected initially while I was struggling to settle into a sustainable routine with work-life balance. After a few sessions, we managed to clearly verbalise how I can derive fulfillment from the 3 broad areas of my life (relationships with others, work/studies, from myself) with both actionable steps and with helpful thought patterns.”

— Steffie Toh, Third Year, Class of 2017, Faculty of Science, Life Sciences

Selected One-on-One Coaching

“During my self-selected OCL, I mainly participated in Tembusu Forums. These reminded me of the diverse range of opinions and interests in Tembusu and served as stimulating intellectual experiences. I learned how important nuance was in tackling issues that hit close to home, such as mental health and Hong Kong. It was also interesting to compare the Forum on Hong Kong to the one on Korea a few years ago as both focused on sensitive political matters. I learned a lot from how Professor Koh once again moderated such sensitive topics with great mastery while maintaining his own opinions, showing how a nuanced and balanced discussion is always achievable regardless of the subject. I feel that conversations in the present day have much to learn from these Forums that Tembusu engages in.”

— Jean Wong, Third Year, Class of 2017, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Literature and Southeast Asian Studies

Selected Self-Directed Programme of Learning

“My community-oriented project was about sexual health awareness within Tembusu. I found the process of planning and executing the various aspects of the project very fulfilling and meaningful. It was heartening to see that I had support from the College and my peers in raising awareness about this important topic.”

— Zhu Jiaxi, Third Year, Class of 2017, Faculty of Science, Pharmacy

Selected Community-Oriented Project